November News

party 4-2021

Hi everyone, we hope you’re having a wonderful week.

This Saturday, November 19th, is going to be our Thanksgiving Potluck Dance starting at 7 PM! We are asking everyone to bring a dish to share as the studio will be providing the baked ham. This party is going to be a very special party with a few surprises! This year the studio is going to be doing a food drive. If you come to this Saturday’s party with a Publix brown paper grocery bag full of non-perishable foods, we will give you a free private lesson (bag must be a filled brown paper bag and NOT a plastic bag with your name written on it). We will be dropping the donated food off at the Second Harvest Food Bank in Melbourne on the following Monday. The dance admission will be $10. If you do not wish to donate food that is totally up to you. There will not be a group class due to the potluck food, but there will be a dance surprise later on during the dance. Also, I heard there will be a mystery performance that night. I wonder who???? Hehehe. The party will go until 10 PM. Geoff, Ashley, and Heidi will be there. If you have any questions, please call Heidi. 

PS Don’t forget Geoff is having his group class this Thursday in Samba @ 7:15 PM

Every Monday @ 8 PM is Bachata Group Class

Every Tuesday @ 8 PM is Ashley’s Group Class

Every Thursday @ 7:15 PM is Geoff’s Group Class

We look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday to celebrate Thanksgiving!!!